Offers & Added Values

Offers & Added Values

Enjoy Special Benefits for Your Next Getaway!

Pamper Yourself with Exclusive Benefits!

Unlock exclusive savings with the Cora Hotel & Spa special offers! Experience luxury for less with discounts and exclusive benefits on premium accommodations, dining experiences, and rejuvenating spa treatments. Book now and indulge in unforgettable moments.

Spring & Autumn escapes

Seasonal Escapes & Exclusive Stays

Indulge in culinary delights and luxurious stays this spring or autumn with an extra 15% off at Half Board or All-Inclusive bookings. Reserve your stay now for an unforgettable retreat and blending vibrant activities with unparalleled luxury

Unlock Exclusive Savings

30% off for early planners

Early planners are rewarded! Secure your stay in advance and secure a 30% off at our resort, where every detail is designed for relaxation and unforgettable memories. Plan ahead and treat yourself to the luxury you deserve at a fraction of the price.