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Exclusive Direct Booking Offers

30% off for early planners

Book by: 5 December 2024 - 28 February 2025
Stay period: 1 May 2025 – 15 October 2025

Ready to experience the ultimate getaway? Take advantage of our exclusive Early Booking Offer and save 30% on your next stay! Book your vacation now and retreat to a serene haven where luxury and relaxation go hand in hand and let us pamper you with unforgettable experiences tailored just for you.

Why wait? Plan ahead and lock in your dream escape in Cora Hotel & Spa, today. Whether you're looking to unwind by our serene pool, indulge in gourmet dining, or explore the beauty of Halkidiki, we have everything you need for the perfect vacation.

Book now and save 30%! This special offer is available for a limited time, so don't miss out on the chance to enjoy a luxury stay at a fraction of the price.


St' Valentines offer

St' Valentines Special Offer

At Cora Hotel & Spa, we understand the timeless value of true love. Our St' Valentines special package offers a luxurious escape with up to 40% off on accommodation, plus romantic touches like sparkling wine, intimate dining, private spa indulgence, and a personalized room setup. Book now for an unforgettable retreat filled with love and luxury.